Some parts of the country can get quite a bit of snow. If you are expecting inclement weather in your area, it is best to just stay put. It is not the wisest idea to drive through a snowstorm, but sometimes you just can’t help it. Snowstorms and buzzards can bring bitter winds, freezing temperatures, and whiteout conditions. If you are going to be out and about during these conditions, you should prepare for the worst-case scenarios. Learn what to do if your car ends up breaking down in a snowstorm.
How-to: Handle Breaking Down in a Snowstorm: Driver Preparedness
If there is a chance you could be driving in inclement weather, it is a good idea to prepare ahead of time. Prepare and carry a winter survival kit in your car. Of course, you will want to tailor that to the area you live in. Depending on where you live, you should have a sleeping bag, extra warm clothes, blankets, food, and water (or a way to melt snow). You may also want a metal container (to melt snow), candles, matches, a winter hat, gloves, boots, a flashlight, and some sort of signal light. An
emergency kit will be crucial if you end up breaking down in a snowstorm. You can keep all of these things packed in a bag in your car.
Breaking Down
If you do end up breaking down in a snowstorm, there are some things you should do in order to survive. First, ensure that the exterior exhaust on the car is clear of snow. This will prevent carbon monoxide buildup in the car. If you do get stuck in a blizzard, stay put in your car unless you see a building nearby. Turn the car off to conserve gas, but turn it on every once in a while to heat your car back up. Remember to check the exhaust each time to make sure it is clear. Make sure to stay hydrated. Even though it seems counterintuitive, the more hydrated you are, the warmer you will be. If you don’t have water with you in the car, you should melt snow. This is when your emergency preparation kit will come in handy. Also, turn your hazards on and keep your seatbelt on. In slick conditions with
low visibility, people can hit you even if you are parked on the side of the road. If you have flares, put them alongside your car to alert other vehicles and help that you are there.