Personal Injury

How to Hurricane Prep Your House

With the end of summer approaching, it’s important to know how to hurricane prep your house in case any bad weather heads your way. Hurricanes can create high winds and heavy rains which can cause property damage. It’s important to stock up with the supplies that you might need to shelter in place. It’s also

2022-08-19T11:55:05-04:00July 31st, 2022|Personal Injury|

Preventing Workplace Violence

Workplace violence is a phenomenon that is becoming more and more common with the upheaval of the last few years, as well as an increase in gun violence. It’s important to know what sort of warning signs to look for in employees. And how to respond in a dangerous situation. The best way to prevent

2022-06-20T22:11:37-04:00June 17th, 2022|Personal Injury, Workplace Safety|

Workplace Safety Concerns

There are several workplace safety concerns to be aware of to make your working environment as safe as possible. While we typically think of an office setting as a very safe place, there are a few things to be aware of. Emotional concerns like stress can impact your happiness and productivity. It’s also important to

2022-06-20T22:06:46-04:00June 3rd, 2022|Personal Injury, Workplace Safety|

Unexpected Easter Accidents to Avoid

While we don’t think of Easter as a particularly dangerous holiday, there still are some all-too-common Easter accidents to avoid. Luckily, this holiday isn’t as booze-filled as others like New Years' or the Fourth of July, but it can still result in some mishaps. For example, many Easter baskets contain a variety of candy and

2022-04-18T16:42:53-04:00April 15th, 2022|Avoiding Injury, Personal Injury|

Workplace Covid Precautions to Take

Now that many people are returning to in-person work, it’s important to know what workplace Covid precautions to take to stay safe. The Omicron variant of Covid is beginning to spread across the country and brings with it a lot of unknowns. If you work in an office setting, it’s important to keep yourself safe

2022-01-12T15:35:52-05:00December 31st, 2021|Personal Injury, Workplace Safety|

Getting Healthy in 2022

Getting healthy in 2022 is a great goal to set for your New Year’s Resolution. After the stress of the 2020/2021 years, it's easy to see how some people might be feeling like a change of pace is necessary. Mental health is the best place to start when trying to get healthier. Especially after such

2022-01-12T15:46:57-05:00December 24th, 2021|Personal Injury, Workplace Safety|