Worker’s Comp

Forklift Accidents: Common Workplace Accidents

Many workplaces make use of things like forklifts to easily move thing around. However, forklift accidents can be pretty dangerous if proper steps aren't taken. Therefore, it's important to know why these accidents occur, and how to best avoid them... Forklift Accidents: Common Causes Improper training One common cause of forklift accidents is improper training.

2020-04-01T11:31:11-04:00April 1st, 2020|Avoiding Injury, Worker's Comp|

Workplace Burns: Avoiding Workplace Accident

Different types of injuries tend to require different forms of treatment. Treating workplace burns in particular tends to be one area where many workers are unaware of what they should do. Knowing the proper treatment process can help ensure these burns can heal properly... Workplace Burns: Proper Treatment Different burn types In order to properly

2020-03-30T11:20:25-04:00March 29th, 2020|Avoiding Injury, Worker's Comp|

White Coat Syndrome: Doctor-Related Anxiety

When doctors are involved, so many people get nervous. Palms sweat and blood pressure elevates. This anxiety, known as White Coat Syndrome (or White Coat Hypertension), can cause people who need medical attention to neglect going to the doctor. In some cases, the medical professionals might not wear white coats necessarily. You can still suffer

2020-03-04T17:33:00-05:00January 10th, 2020|Worker's Comp, Workplace Safety|