Riding a motorcycle can be a fun way to travel, but it can also be dangerous if you aren’t using the proper gear. Safety equipment for motorcyclists is very important for ensuring that you have an enjoyable and safe ride. In the event of a crash, you’ll be better protected if you’ve invested in good quality gear. You should start with a solid helmet, of which there are many varieties. In addition, you’ll want to get a jacket and pants or a suit made for riding. Boots and gloves can help you be more comfortable on the bike and can add extra protection in a crash. And finally, you can invest in extra eye and earwear to protect yourself further. Hopefully, having all the correct equipment will help you get safely to your destination and will make your ride more enjoyable.
Proper Safety Equipment for Motorcyclists: Suit Up for Safety
The most important piece of safety equipment for motorcyclists is a helmet. Motorcycle helmets should be fitted for you and made specifically for riding a motorcycle. Make sure to shop at a reputable store – this isn’t the time to get stingy. There are three types of helmets – full helmet, 3/4 helmet, and 1/2 helmet. The full helmet gives you the most protection around your head and at the base of your neck. It also protects your face and chin with a visor that can be rotated out of the way. A 3/4 helmet is similar but provides slightly less facial and chin protection. A 1/2 helmet doesn’t have any sort of facial protection and is the least safe. It would require some additional eye protection. Any helmet should ventilate well and allow you to be able to hear the road noises around you.
Jacket and Pants
The next thing to look for in proper safety equipment for motorcyclists is a riding suit. You can buy a one-piece riding suit that will offer a good degree of protection or separate pieces. At the very least, you always need to wear a riding jacket. This gives you extra protection in vulnerable areas in the case of a crash. It also protects you from the elements, like rain and hail which can be painful when you’re traveling quickly. In addition, bugs or flying bits of rocks kicked up by passing trucks can also be dangerous if they hit you when riding. A sturdy jacket and pants or a riding suit will give you some protection against these. They will also protect you from dehydrating wind exposure and sunburn.
Boots and Gloves
Boots and gloves are important but often overlooked pieces of safety equipment for motorcyclists. Riding boots have extra protection around your ankles which can keep you safer if you crash. In addition, they typically have sturdy no-slip soles which can help keep your feet from sliding off the shifter. You should either find boots with interior laces or tuck laces inside them to make sure they don’t get tangled in the bike. Gloves can keep your hands from slipping on your handle if it’s raining or your hands are sweaty. They also provide a layer of protection for your hands, which you’ll often use to brace yourself in the event of a crash.
Eye and Ear Protection
Finally, the last piece of safety equipment for motorcyclists is eye and ear protection. While your helmet should provide some protection for your eyes, it’s never a bad idea to double up on eye protection. Being exposed to high winds and possible bits of debris kicked up by passing vehicles can harm your eyes. In addition, motorcycles themselves are loud. But the noise of traveling at a high speed is also deafening and can cause damage to your hearing eventually. Ear plugs are cheap and comfortable and can reduce a lot of the noise from the wind. However, you still need to be able to hear roadway sounds around you to be a good
defensive driver. Proper safety equipment for motorcyclists can mean the difference between a catastrophic crash and an inconvenient but survivable crash. Helmets protect your head from impact as well as other hazards on the road. A proper riding jacket and pants can protect your skin from road rash and other injuries during a crash. They also protect you from the elements and keep you warm. Boots and gloves help you get the best grip on your bike’s shifter and handle and can also offer an extra layer of protection. And finally, ear and eye protection can help you prevent long-term damage to your senses. As long as you are stocked up with the correct safety gear, your motorcycle ride should be safe and pleasant.