Back-to-school traffic accidents tend to pop up during the first few weeks of each new school year. It’s common for parents to be a little more frazzled in the mornings with the craziness of getting little ones ready so early in the day. However, it’s important to stay safe on the road to make sure that you and your children don’t get hurt. Parking lot accidents are very common, as are accidents that happen because drivers aren’t paying attention. Rear-end accidents are also very typical during this time of year. And it’s important to remember some school-related safety reminders, like how to stop for buses and what to do in school zones. Hopefully, by remembering these safety tips, you’ll be able to have a great and safe start to the school year.

Back-to-School Traffic Accidents to Avoid: Staying Safe on the Way to School

Parking Lot Accidents

Some of the most common back-to-school traffic accidents happen in parking lots. Especially with teen drivers who are still getting used to being behind the wheel. When in a parking lot, drive very slowly and keep your eyes peeled for signs of other cars backing out. Look for reverse lights and make sure to watch for pedestrians when backing out of space.

Distracted Driving Accidents

Back-to-school traffic accidents might also be a result of distracted driving. It’s easy to see how this happens, especially at the start of the school year. Your kids aren’t wanting to be up so early, they forgot their homework, they’re trying to eat breakfast in the car, everybody is crying, and it’s difficult to concentrate on the road. In addition, parents are trying to check for emails or texts. To stay safer, put away your phone, and try to avoid distractions by prepping as much the night beforehand as you can to make your mornings less frantic.

Rear-End Accidents

Rear-end accidents can happen any time of year. However, they are a common reason for back-to-school traffic accidents. Parents are still getting used to carpool lines, and there might be cars stopping for lines where you aren’t expecting them to. You’re also probably in a hurry many mornings. The way to avoid rear-end accidents is to always leave plenty of space between you and the car in front of you, even if you aren’t moving.

School-Related Reminders

While these aren’t back-to-school traffic accidents, there are some reminders to think about as the school year gets going. Brush up on the rules for what to do when a school bus is stopping on the road near you. In addition, pay attention to school crosswalks, as littles are still getting the hang of things. If you are in a school zone, reduce your speed or risk a ticket. Back-to-school traffic accidents will always happen, but you can make sure that you keep yourself and your kids safe by being as careful on the road as you can be. Be cautious in parking lots, take it slowly, and watch for pedestrians. Never drive while looking at your phone, and try to avoid distractions as much as possible. Be careful in car lines and leave plenty of stopping distance between you and the car in front of you on the road. And finally, be cautious about passing school buses, crosswalks, and school zones. Hopefully, by keeping these reminders in your head each morning on the way to school, you can help your child reach the classroom safely.