Kelsey Keeton

About Robert Reeves

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So far Robert Reeves has created 168 blog entries.

How to Stay Healthy With a Desk Job

If you work in an office setting where you don't have to move around much during the day, you might find it difficult to get exercise into your day. However, learning to stay healthy with a desk job isn't just about exercise. Your diet is a huge contributing factor to your overall wellness. And additionally,

2021-04-14T16:11:33-04:00April 16th, 2021|Avoiding Injury, Personal Injury|

Confidence on the Road After an Accident

If you've been in an accident on the road, it might be difficult to begin driving again without feeling stressed. Whether the accident was your fault or not, it can still be traumatizing. Finding your confidence on the road after an accident is important for safe driving. Driving timidly because you're afraid can actually make

2021-02-26T15:06:48-05:00April 2nd, 2021|Car Accidents, Driving|

How-to: Share the Road with Semi-Trucks

All across America, thousands of semi-trucks are on the road every day. In fact, the number of semi-trucks and semi-trailers in this country are in the millions. It is incredibly common for you to come into contact with them when you hit the roads. Semi tricks are both large and heavy. While their size allows

2021-02-05T13:46:37-05:00February 26th, 2021|Driving, Trucking Accidents|

What to do After You Get The Covid Vaccine

The Coronavirus, or Covid-19, has affected the world in ways that we couldn't have imagined. Luckily, there are several vaccines that have been approved by the FDA for protection against Covid-19. And thankfully, many Americans have already been vaccinated. However, you may be wondering what to do after you get the Covid Vaccine. Do you

2021-02-12T12:32:49-05:00February 12th, 2021|Avoiding Injury, Workplace Safety|