Avoiding Injury

How to Stay Healthy With a Desk Job

If you work in an office setting where you don't have to move around much during the day, you might find it difficult to get exercise into your day. However, learning to stay healthy with a desk job isn't just about exercise. Your diet is a huge contributing factor to your overall wellness. And additionally,

2021-04-14T16:11:33-04:00April 16th, 2021|Avoiding Injury, Personal Injury|

What to do After You Get The Covid Vaccine

The Coronavirus, or Covid-19, has affected the world in ways that we couldn't have imagined. Luckily, there are several vaccines that have been approved by the FDA for protection against Covid-19. And thankfully, many Americans have already been vaccinated. However, you may be wondering what to do after you get the Covid Vaccine. Do you

2021-02-12T12:32:49-05:00February 12th, 2021|Avoiding Injury, Workplace Safety|

How-to Fix Windshield Wiper Problems

Your windshield wipers are an important piece of your car that helps you drive in the rain. However, there may be times where they don’t work as they should. Therefore, it’s helpful to know how you can fix some common windshield wiper problems. That way, you won’t have to worry about your visibility when in

2020-09-25T17:41:33-04:00September 28th, 2020|Avoiding Injury, Cars|

How-to Practice Good Mechanic Safety

Working as a mechanic can be quite rewarding. However, it can also come with a lot of risks. Therefore, it’s important to know what good mechanic safety looks like. That way, you can keep safe while doing your job… How-to Practice Good Mechanic Safety: Useful Steps Personal protection A lot of good mechanic safety comes

2020-09-04T14:36:23-04:00September 6th, 2020|Avoiding Injury, Personal Injury|

Summer Driving: What To Prepare For

Most drivers know about the dangers of driving in the winter. However, not too many know about the risks that come with summer driving. For instance, August tends to have the highest amount of fatal accidents each year. Knowing what these risks are can help you better prepare and stay safe… Summer Driving: Possible Risks

2020-07-17T16:19:43-04:00July 18th, 2020|Avoiding Injury, Car Accidents|