Workplace Safety

Face Masks: The Importance of Protection

While the current COVID-19 pandemic has left many people working or staying at home, some essential businesses have remained open. For these workers, wearing face masks is key for helping prevent the disease from spreading. Therefore, it’s important to know how to wear them properly and why they matter… Face Masks: Why They’re Important Importance

2020-04-16T15:56:24-04:00April 15th, 2020|Personal Injury, Workplace Safety|

White Coat Syndrome: Doctor-Related Anxiety

When doctors are involved, so many people get nervous. Palms sweat and blood pressure elevates. This anxiety, known as White Coat Syndrome (or White Coat Hypertension), can cause people who need medical attention to neglect going to the doctor. In some cases, the medical professionals might not wear white coats necessarily. You can still suffer

2020-03-04T17:33:00-05:00January 10th, 2020|Worker's Comp, Workplace Safety|