Avoiding Injury

Tire Pressure: Check It Properly

The summertime brings both hotter weather and new potential driving risks. In particular, you need to make sure that you check your tire pressure properly. Many tire-related accidents are due to a driver’s tire air pressure not being at the proper levels. Knowing how to check yours the right way can help you avoid these

2023-01-16T21:55:40-05:00December 18th, 2022|Avoiding Injury, Cars|

Server Injuries: Environmental Risks

Workplace injuries can occur in practically any work environment, and restaurants are no exception. Server injuries tend to happen in many different ways, and can cause permanent issues if not taken care of. Therefore, it’s important to know what to watch for when working in these environments… Server Injuries: Most Frequent Kinds Cuts Cuts are

2022-04-18T16:43:00-04:00April 22nd, 2022|Avoiding Injury, Workplace Safety|

Unexpected Easter Accidents to Avoid

While we don’t think of Easter as a particularly dangerous holiday, there still are some all-too-common Easter accidents to avoid. Luckily, this holiday isn’t as booze-filled as others like New Years' or the Fourth of July, but it can still result in some mishaps. For example, many Easter baskets contain a variety of candy and

2022-04-18T16:42:53-04:00April 15th, 2022|Avoiding Injury, Personal Injury|

PPE for Firefighters: Staying Safe

Firefighters put their lives on the line everyday in order to save our lives, homes, and property. Their job is one of the most risky jobs there is. From going into burning buildings, breathing in smoke, and risking explosions and buildings falling, being a firefighter is dangerous. Personal protective equipment, or PPE, are items that

2022-04-18T16:37:23-04:00April 1st, 2022|Avoiding Injury, Workplace Safety|

Driving Safely with Children in the Car

Driving safely with children in the car can be very difficult because kids thrive on getting their parents' attention. This usually involves being loud, acting out, and tantrums. All of which can be hugely distracting for parents trying to concentrate on the road. Start safe riding early on by talking to your children about etiquette

2022-03-21T22:58:24-04:00March 25th, 2022|Avoiding Injury, Driving|