Car Accidents

Running Yellow Lights: What You Need to Know

A common joke with Southerners about running yellow lights is that "yellow means GO FASTER!" Actually, a yellow light means "yield." And running yellow lights can be quite dangerous. In most cases, the general rule of thumb should be that if you can safely stop, you should. This is the response that leaves the smallest

2024-12-29T17:50:30-05:00December 20th, 2024|Car Accidents, Driving|

How-to Drive Safely in Winter Weather

Winter can bring unpredictable weather than can be challenging to drive in. Snow, ice, wind and cold weather can all impact driving conditions. Depending on the weather, you may need to change the way you are driving in order to drive as safe as possible. To reduce the risk of having an accident as the

2024-12-29T17:50:51-05:00December 13th, 2024|Car Accidents, Driving|

Back-to-School Traffic Accidents to Avoid

Back-to-school traffic accidents tend to pop up during the first few weeks of each new school year. It’s common for parents to be a little more frazzled in the mornings with the craziness of getting little ones ready so early in the day. However, it’s important to stay safe on the road to make sure

2024-08-15T21:48:58-04:00August 18th, 2024|Car Accidents, Driving|

Car Accident Injuries to Watch

Car accident injuries can appear on the spot but they can also be delayed. Sometimes, aches and pains that last for weeks can indicate very serious problems. Headaches can be a symptom of concussion and are something to take seriously. Neck or back pain can be an indication that there is spinal damage. Abdominal pain

2024-12-29T17:41:59-05:00August 15th, 2024|Car Accidents, Cars, Personal Injury|

How-to Practice Good Mechanic Safety

Working as a mechanic can be quite rewarding. However, it can also come with a lot of risks. Therefore, it’s important to know what good mechanic safety looks like. That way, you can keep safe while doing your job… How-to Practice Good Mechanic Safety: Useful Steps Personal protection A lot of good mechanic safety comes

2024-07-13T15:49:15-04:00July 14th, 2024|Car Accidents, Driving|

How to Handle a Tire Blowout

If you’ve ever experienced a tire blowout you might know that it’s one of the scariest things that can happen on the road. A tire blowout can happen at any time and can lead to a sudden loss of control of your vehicle. If you’re ever experiencing one, it’s important to know how to stay

2024-07-13T15:46:56-04:00June 9th, 2024|Car Accidents, Driving|

Traveling with Pets in Your Car

Traveling with pets can make a vacation much more fun. However, if you plan to drive a long way, it's important to know proper safety tips for traveling with pets in the car. Use the correct restraints to make sure that they aren't able to roam around the car while you drive. Bring a travel

2024-04-01T22:30:40-04:00April 7th, 2024|Car Accidents, Driving|