Kelsey Keeton

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So far Robert Reeves has created 168 blog entries.

Back-to-School Traffic Accidents to Avoid

Back-to-school traffic accidents tend to pop up during the first few weeks of each new school year. It’s common for parents to be a little more frazzled in the mornings with the craziness of getting little ones ready so early in the day. However, it’s important to stay safe on the road to make sure

2024-08-15T21:48:58-04:00August 18th, 2024|Car Accidents, Driving|

Car Accident Injuries to Watch

Car accident injuries can appear on the spot but they can also be delayed. Sometimes, aches and pains that last for weeks can indicate very serious problems. Headaches can be a symptom of concussion and are something to take seriously. Neck or back pain can be an indication that there is spinal damage. Abdominal pain

2024-12-29T17:41:59-05:00August 15th, 2024|Car Accidents, Cars, Personal Injury|

Needlestick Injury: Things to Know

Anyone who works in the medical field runs the risk of a needlestick injury. This wound is when a needle accidentally punctures the skin. This type of injury falls into a larger category of sharps injuries. Other forms of sharps are scalpels, scissors, glass and any other item that can cut the skin. This can be

2024-12-29T17:41:43-05:00August 8th, 2024|Avoiding Injury, Worker's Comp|

Summer Boat Safety Tips

As the weather heats up and a day on the lake sounds better and better, it’s important to remember these boat safety tips this summer. It’s always important to remember that as much fun as playing in pools, boating on lakes, or swimming in the ocean can be, water can be dangerous. Each summer there

2024-08-15T21:46:54-04:00August 4th, 2024|Avoiding Injury, Personal Injury|

How-to Practice Good Mechanic Safety

Working as a mechanic can be quite rewarding. However, it can also come with a lot of risks. Therefore, it’s important to know what good mechanic safety looks like. That way, you can keep safe while doing your job… How-to Practice Good Mechanic Safety: Useful Steps Personal protection A lot of good mechanic safety comes

2024-07-13T15:49:15-04:00July 14th, 2024|Car Accidents, Driving|

How-to Safely Drive in a Work Zone

Work zones have many hazards that can increase the risk of accidents. From cones, lane changes and moving equipment, it can be tricky to drive in work zone. Due to workers being present in these areas, an accident in a work zone can be very dangerous. Therefore, it is really important to know how to

2024-07-13T15:48:56-04:00July 7th, 2024|Avoiding Injury, Driving|