Kelsey Keeton

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So far Robert Reeves has created 168 blog entries.

How to Choose the Best Vehicle for Your Family

If you're in the market for a new car, your might be overwhelmed with all of the options. When you are trying to choose the best vehicle for your family, there are many things to consider. You'll want to do research on various safety features of all the options available to you. In addition, you'll

2023-09-26T21:52:00-04:00August 20th, 2023|Cars, Driving|

Choosing a Bike Helmet for Riding

Choosing a bike helmet for riding is an important first step if you're interested in cycling. It's important to consider the type of bicycling you'll be doing and pick an appropriate helmet. In addition, proper fit is integral to finding the right helmet. You should also consider the helmet's safety features and rating. And finally,

2023-09-26T21:51:10-04:00August 13th, 2023|Avoiding Injury, Personal Injury|

Checklist for Buying a Used Car

Having a checklist for buying a used car can help you avoid spending a lot of money on a vehicle that isn’t going to last you very long. Purchasing a previously owned vehicle comes with some risk because you don’t know who drove the car before you. Or how they treated it and cared for

2023-07-26T21:38:43-04:00August 6th, 2023|Cars, Driving|

Surviving a Car Crash: How to Minimize Impact

Surviving a car crash can be a harrowing experience, even if you have relatively few injuries. A collision in any way will likely lead to some soreness, whiplash, or bruising. However, a more serious crash could result in more serious or even life-threatening injuries. If you find yourself in a situation where you believe you’re

2023-07-26T21:30:22-04:00July 23rd, 2023|Car Accidents, Driving|

Staying Safe If You Encounter Road Rage

If you encounter road rage on the roadway, it can be quite scary and even dangerous. Some people can be very calm in in-person situations, but when they get behind the wheel, their tempers flare. There are even cases where drivers commit crimes because of their road rage. If you encounter another driver who seems

2023-07-26T21:23:29-04:00June 25th, 2023|Car Accidents, Driving|

Job-Related Chronic Pain

Job-related chronic pain can be debilitating and can lead to permanent damage being done to your body. Some jobs are more likely to lead to the kinds of injuries and motions that cause chronic pain than others. If you are suffering from long-term discomfort, don’t suffer in silence. Speak to your healthcare provider to see

2023-06-15T22:23:49-04:00June 18th, 2023|Personal Injury, Worker's Comp|