
Driving Posture: Sit Properly

Having good posture is important for when you do a lot of sitting. This is especially true if your job has you constantly driving. Your driving posture is key for avoiding injures. Therefore, it’s crucial you know what you should or shouldn’t do… Driving Posture: Avoid Injuries Adjust your seat Many issues relating to driving

2024-02-06T20:35:01-05:00December 10th, 2023|Avoiding Injury, Driving|

How-to Prepare Parking Lots for Winter Weather

When snow or ice is in the forecast, business owners need to prepare parking lots for winter weather. Sidewalks and parking lots can become hazards for customers, employees, or anyone parking or walking through them. They can be very slippery can cause accidents or injuries. How-to Prepare Parking Lots for Winter Weather: Accident Prevention Know

2023-11-19T22:50:27-05:00November 12th, 2023|Cars, Driving|

Car Seat Safety for Caregivers

If you plan on driving with children in the car, car seat safety is very important. You can be fined or even charged if children are in improper seats. You need to know which seat is appropriate for your child based on their age and weight. They'll start out in rear-facing seats like infant bucket

2023-11-19T22:49:11-05:00October 15th, 2023|Avoiding Injury, Driving|

How-to Safely Drive Through the Mountains

The mountains can make for a scenic drive. However, mountain roads can be curvy, narrow and steep. You can go from a sharp incline to a decline within moments. On these roads, you can also face some extremes in elements. From snow to fog, wind to rain, you will need to be prepared for anything.

2023-09-26T21:54:43-04:00October 8th, 2023|Car Accidents, Driving|

Leaving Your Car at the Airport When Traveling

Leaving your car at the airport when traveling can be a convenient way to get to and from your flight without having to arrange a ride with somebody. It's best to know before you head to the airport what the parking situation will be like. You always want to pick a covered spot if possible.

2023-09-26T21:55:49-04:00September 24th, 2023|Cars, Driving|

Back to Basics: Defensive Driving

Everybody learns about defensive driving when they're first getting their drivers' license. But how much do you actually remember about it? Defensive driving is the basis of safe travel so it's important to refresh your understanding of it every now and then. The key techniques are to stay alert on the road and stay focused.

2023-09-26T21:53:54-04:00September 17th, 2023|Car Accidents, Driving|

Passing a Stopped School Bus: Know the Rules

Passing a stopped school bus illegally while driving can result in 4 or 5 points on your license, as well as various fines. It's also incredibly dangerous because there might be children crossing the road. Every year, children are killed when cars fail to stop even though school buses have flashing lights and stop signs

2023-09-26T21:53:27-04:00September 10th, 2023|Cars, Driving|

How to Fix a Flat Tire Easily and Safely

Being prepared to fix a flat tire is an important part of being a responsible driver. You should always have the proper tools on hand in case you have a blowout or flat. Take the correct safety precautions when prepping the car and getting ready to fix it. Then follow your car's user manual to

2023-09-26T21:53:11-04:00September 3rd, 2023|Car Accidents, Driving|

How to Choose the Best Vehicle for Your Family

If you're in the market for a new car, your might be overwhelmed with all of the options. When you are trying to choose the best vehicle for your family, there are many things to consider. You'll want to do research on various safety features of all the options available to you. In addition, you'll

2023-09-26T21:52:00-04:00August 20th, 2023|Cars, Driving|

Checklist for Buying a Used Car

Having a checklist for buying a used car can help you avoid spending a lot of money on a vehicle that isn’t going to last you very long. Purchasing a previously owned vehicle comes with some risk because you don’t know who drove the car before you. Or how they treated it and cared for

2023-07-26T21:38:43-04:00August 6th, 2023|Cars, Driving|